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Welcome to The Mahogany Way Birth Cafe!

I am so happy you have stopped by. I toyed with the idea of creating a birth blog for about a year. Reading this interview by Radical Doula and Ina May Gaskin on birth and women of color helped me make the final decision.
I have been passionate about everything birth related since I was pregnant with my second daughter. I also run another blog The Mahogany Way.

I want this to be a space for all women to come and discuss birth, but I am going to focus on pregnancy/birth issues related to women of color. I can only speak on being a black women. When I say women of color I am talking to black women, asian women, latino women, bi-racial women, etc, you get what I’m saying? I want this to be a space for all of us to come together, share experiences, learn and grow together. Woman to Woman, Mother to Mother.

I have had a hospital birth and two homebirths. I’ve been on both sides. I am not anti-hospital birth, I am not anti-epidural, I am not anti- cesarean. I believe women can have beautiful hospital births.I believe that every pregnant woman(and her partner) needs to be well-informed of all of her options.  I don’t like that the cesarean rate for this country is at 32%. I believe in true emergency cesarean, not these scheduled ones we’re seeing so much of lately. I believe that epidurals have their place. I know I desperately needed one to help me relax after 20 hours of pitocin during the birth of my first daughter.

I do not like that our infant mortality rate is so high in this country. I don’t like that women are being bullied, and scared by their OB’s, Midwives, friends and family. It’s unacceptable.
Pregnancy and birth are viewed as a serious medical condition in this country, and that is just not true. Our bodies were made for giving birth and nurturing our children.

It doesn’t matter if you birth in the hospital or home, if you’ve had a cesarean, or epidural, if this is your first or fifth baby. I want us to all come together to share our stories and discuss birth. I will frequently discuss the positive benefits to natural birth because I am passionate about it. I will not be disrespectful to someone who may not agree with me though, and I ask the same of you.

I love cafe’s…you can grab a cup of hot chocolate, or coffee if that’s your thing, pull up a chair and relax with some friends, and make some new ones. Swap birth stories, or information on care providers.

I’m going to work on getting up pages for midwives, doulas, hospitals, birth centers, child-birth classes, blogs, and anything else we can think of. I’m going to add the links here and on the Facebook page.
Also putting together a nice blogroll. If you talk about birth on your blog, and/or you’re a woman of color email me at the mahogany way at gmail dot com, or post your link to our Facebook wall.

I am so excited to have this space. I hope it grows into another part of your mama village.
Now go spread the word!

13 thoughts on “Welcome to The Mahogany Way Birth Cafe!

  1. I’m so excited about your new blog! You are creating a much needed birth education space for women of color – and filling that need with a passionate voice. I’m glad you are all inclusive and nonjudgmental. I am not a woman of color, but my younger sister is Latina. And I also share your passion for spreading stories about natural birth and breastfeeding. The information is so hard to obtain in America these days. Good information about birth must be actively sought out by women, it is not what is freely given by hospitals. But we can continue to spread what we have learned to other women.

    I love how you mention growing our mama villages. It’s my dream that someday birth knowledge will be passed along from generation to generation from one woman to another and that non-medicalized birth and breastfeeding will someday be seen as normal.

  2. You are so passionate! I’m with Reggie!!!! Love that opening post!!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy having a place to go that is about us! It makes me feel hopeful that MORE of us will come to know the joys of all that is natural. I also love that you don’t come across as judgemental! Keep it coming!!!!

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